Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is giving flowers to a girl who likes you on her last day the right thing to do?

She was a student at the language school I work in. I told her my feelings, but she did not want a relationship with me, though sometimes she seemed attracted, others she ignored me, but got worried if I ignored her too. As she was going back to her country today I ordered flowers to be delivered to her at the school (without letting anyone know I was behind it). She was delighted at this anonymous present and showed them to everyone. When she read my card where I said she was fascinating and wishing I had known her better, but asking for nothing, she seemed a bit amused, a bit annoyed. She did not thank me, but instead gave me a present too, a book. Later she tried to ignore me, but smiled when I asked her to write me something in the book. She left with the flowers in her hand, but said goodbye to me rather formally. I don't expect to find her on my doorstep tonight, but I wonder just what effect my gift had. How would one of you girls have reacted? What's this indifference of hers?

Is giving flowers to a girl who likes you on her last day the right thing to do?
From personal experience, I understand y she didn't pay 2 much attention 2 u, b cause she was leaving and she didn't want 2 get 2 close 2 anyone. It's the hard feelings thing, she didn't want 2 go through with it. But on the other hand, since she took the flowers I really think she really appreciate the flowers and will always remember u. Who knows if she end up comming back she'll probably look 4 u!
Reply:I think her reaction is going to be different depending on what country she is from. If she is latina, she will be confused. if she is slavic, she will marry you. If she is asian she will remember you forever.
Reply:Chances are that she will only remember you fondly.
Reply:i think it sounds like you did the right thing. it seems like she loved it and the formal goodbye was so she wouldn't miss you so much. actually, i bet she is thinking of you this very moment. that was a great thing to do! she obviously has a intrest in you when she gave you the book. maybe she just isn't ready for a relationship. keep her in mind though and if you have her number, call her after a while and invite her on a date. if she says no, then its just her turn to ask you if she has an intrest in you. good luck!
Reply:did she write you anything in the book or just a smile? what kind of book was it?
Reply:u did right but i think she appreciated it thats why she gave u a present too.
Reply:Sounds like a proffessor-student relationship. Everyone is hesitant about relationships like that. If it were me, honestly? I'd be shocked and worried. Complimented and special, of course, but besides that, I wouldn't know what to think. It's very romantic and very sweet. I'm sure she appreciates it.
Reply:I did it once, and we went out all summer
Reply:i don't know what to say?giving flowers is very very nice thing to do but i can see she is not sure to talk or not to?? but if you have the chance ask her again and tell her you like her but don't push her tell her you'll wait and see how she'll react if its OK with her fine if not don't waste your time and don't hurt your self wish good luck to her and bye bye

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