Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Flowers to say Thank You?

I'm planning to send some flowers as a Thank You gesture to someone who helped me out. I would like to know what type of flowers would be best to send (I don't want her to think I'm hitting on her). Could you yamsters also recommend a good UK website for ordering/sending flowers?


Flowers to say Thank You?
Whenever I give flowers to friends I always give yellow or purple ones as they are nice and cheery and don't have the romance connotations that pink or red flowers do. Also yellow flowers supposedly represent friendship. I like yellow roses but you could give tulips, or daffodils. Next Flowers has a nice arrangement which is a really good price:


I think its really nice of you to make a gesture like this and I'm sure your friend will too - more people should show how much they value their friends like this :)
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Reply:Tulips are 'blooming' just now and they are gorgeous. They say 'nice' but not romantic. Try 'Interflora.co.uk' and they will come up with local delivery companies in your area.
Reply:Roses or sunflowers
Reply:send dead ones.
Reply:red roses = love

white = weddings

pink = thank you, appreciation, etc (good in your case)

yellow = friendship

orange = enthusiam

black = death/goodbye

blue = impossible
Reply:then why send flowers when you can send a plant and have them rember it ever time he/she waters it. and will last alot longer.And to me is a better present then floweers for they are a reminder of what i have done or the event in wich i did it.
Reply:don't send roses then cause she may think your hitting on her just send Lily's or coronations mix with a little off some thing else bless ya.................................
Reply:Yellow tend to be the colour of friendship, so best to use to say thanks.

Reply:Well personally i love anything bright and i love lillys but when you ring the florest to order your flowers explain that you want a thank you bouquet they usually do these up of a nice selection of different types of flowers.
Reply:Yellow, and not to many.

choosing loops

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