Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Guys, how would you react if your girlfriend gave you flowers?

I am pissed! My best friend's boyfriend ditched her after she gave him flowers and for that reason only.

It was his birthday and she ordered some flowers to be sent to his office. Apparently, he found it provoking and accused her of embarassing him in front of his co-workers and snapped at her angrily before telling her it's over. Now, I won't go into theories that perhaps their relationship was a weak one, I'm just curious to see how would you react if your girlfriend gave you flowers.

Guys, how would you react if your girlfriend gave you flowers?
I am a mans man and everybody I work respects me as such. If my lady sent me flowers at work I would smile and be proud to show them off. I don't blame you for being pissed off.

I also have to say your girlfriend deserves better than that and yes, there is probably something else wrong with the relationship. I can tell you this, if she were my sister I would want to break his nose for that reaction to an act of love.
Reply:My hubby has allergies. He'd think it was a death threat and be very upset. He prefers dark chocolate, music, movie tickets or red meat as love tokens.
Reply:i would feel gay
Reply:Blimey good question, from what you said id say he was just looking for a reason to dump her and used it, more than likely got a lot of stick from people in the office but should be able to deal with it, gotta say iv never come across a woman sending a bloke flowers before though. I would curl up in a corner and die slowly but someone else in the office would do something stupid and the attention would move onto them quick enough. Dont give it if ya cant take it i says.

Peace out
Reply:Wow, what a ingrate.

I think anyone getting that pissed off over getting flowers from someone they are with has a screw loose. It really shouldn't matter what the gender of the person who receives the gift is, no one should behave like that.
Reply:very very flattering
Reply:He's an idiot.

I would feel honored that she thought of me.

She should be glad she's rid of him- think of the other abuse she's avoided in the future from him.
Reply:I would be a little embarassed if the thing was public, but it would be very sweet if made in private.

The guy is an *** thoug.
Reply:She should be relieved to know about this guy in advance. I love flowers and would think so highly of a girls who thought of me in that special way.
Reply:since i have a phobia of flowers (i feel about flowers the way most people feel about maggots or spiders) i would be bemused if i received them as a gift from a woman i knew well enough to sleep with.

but if your friend's bf dumped her after so trivial a gift, i suspect he was already looking for a reason.
Reply:I would have felt insulted: Flowers are to feminine to give to a man, sorry.
Reply:I think he acted like a jerk! There is NOTHING wrong with a guy getting flowers!! Your friend is better off without that moron!
Reply:i would quickly put my arm infront of my face and kinda duck low (all this in half a second cuz i have cat like reflexes)
Reply:As the saying goes 'say it with flowers'. What did the note say that accompanied them? A lovely gesture and perhaps a hint to buy her flowers. Sorry it went wrong. Any girl who sent me flowers would be in my bed within hours.
Reply:he is gay and has not came out of the closet lolololol no I am jk no I have asked my man if he wanted flowers he said he would but its a wast of money cause their just gonna die..

guys are diffrent then girls they want sh*t they can use not sh*t they just look at maybe it inbarsed him or that was just an exuse to get away from your friend..
Reply:i sent my guy white flowers to his office once...flower company messed up and sent him pink roses!!

he laughed and loved it! he worked in a very male environment and they all thought it was so sweet and caring so i wouldnt worry!
Reply:What an asshole! I'd give him a slap for his birthday..

Reply:Hi Poppy, a true story this question reminded me of. I worked for a Railroad, and one of my employee's lived about 35 miles from the office. (all Male environment) He parked his car in the city he lived in and rode to work with a female friend who worked near the office. To save gas (He said). Well his wife saw his car and sent him a dozen Black Roses to the office. She also came to the office that evening, and picked him up after work. Needless to say the ribbing he received. To answer your question I would feel honored if someone remembered my Birthday!

Thanks for the memory!! GRRRRRRRRR
Reply:well i'm not a guy but...

i think that it shouldn't be something

to get mad at someone about.

it's most definitely the thought that counts.

apparently she liked him to REMEMBER his

darn birthday.

sometimes guys are such jerks. ya know.
Reply:I would feel flattered. And a little puzzled because when she wants to do something nice for me she usually gets me a bottle of Booker Noe. Flowers would still be great, it really is the thought that counts.
Reply:Well he's a d***. I really have nothing against it, in fact I've received flowers myself and it doesn't affect me.

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