Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ANSWER THIS ONE! Would it matter to you if your florist used environmentally friendly vehicles for deliveries?

I am doing this survey for a class and I need to collect as many responses as possible. So....if you are ordering flowers for delivery, would it influence your decision on who to order from if a florist's vehicles were environmentally friendly (Hybrid) vs. others who were not? Why or why not? Thanks for your help!

ANSWER THIS ONE! Would it matter to you if your florist used environmentally friendly vehicles for deliveries?
No, having a hybrid car would not influence my flower buying. Price and service are what I look for. How are they planning to get those bouquets in the car? Kinda small for most arrangements?
Reply:It's the hip thing to do, but it's not practical. And who would notice or even care? Any ways enviromentalist don't want flowers killed. :-) Save the Flowers!!!! haha Peace Out!
Reply:i do not mind, it kind of blend in as enviromently friendly vehicle indirectly means more flowers...at least u got ur flowers delivered
Reply:Yes, i would even be willing to pay a little more for enviromentally friendly cars.
Reply:It wouldn't influence my decision (only prices would), but it would be pretty darn cool if the vehicle was enviornmental-friendly. If you don't share, you care!
Reply:I wouldn't even think to check if they did, so no.
Reply:Not at all. What are you buying? Flowers. Now if I were looking for a service to make deliveries for me that might be a different matter. In that you are buying a service. Transportation - deliveries.
Reply:No. It's all about quality of flowers, customer service and most importantly the price.
Reply:if it's the same price, i might

but you need to make sure people know about it first for them to decide

it's kinda like HongkongBank, they have this program to save dolphins...

it has no connection to banking whatsoever, but it might make existing customers happier banking with them or interest others

but it all boils down to service
Reply:No, not really. The flower quality would be the primary factor.

It would not even reguster in my mind. Even if the advertised it.

If it would save on the delivery charges then yes.
Reply:Well, considering I don't care if *I* drive an environmentally friendly vehicle (as long as it meets gov't standards), no, it wouldn't matter to me.

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